RCAA Members Showcase their work at the MS Diagnostic Lab in 2008

Members of the Rankin County Arts Alliance showcased their work in Mississippi early in 2008 at the MS Diagnostic Lab.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sat. Oct. 17, 2009-- 12-3p.m.: RCAA's Arts Flair (Pearl, MS)

Join us on Saturday, October 17, 2009 from 12-3p.m. at the Pearl Public Library (2416 Old Brandon Road * Pearl, MS) for our annual Arts Flair.

Members of the alliance will be on hand with their work and available to talk with you about their plans to encourage literacy, more creative activities in the school system, and what they do and how you can support them in having more opportunities in Rankin County. Interested in becoming a member? We'll be able to tell you how you can join us!

ADMISSION TO THIS MEETING IS FREE, AND REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED.Make sure to visit www.rankincountyarts.org for frequent updates. Need more information? Contact Cyrus A. Webb at cawebb4@juno.com or 601.896.5616.

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